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Totoro across the street

1,730 subscribers

About Totoro across the street

Real strength from the 60th birthday
Reiwa 5 I turned 65 on New Year's Day.
The grandchildren will also increase by two this year, making it seven. I want to enjoy my second life after retirement.
The mobile secret base "Hiace" is now in its fifth year, and is doing even better.
This year, my wife and I lived together by staying in the car, but my wife has to take care of her grandchildren
It looks like it's going to be a solo camp for the time being.
In addition to staying in the car, I would like to try home gardening and DIY work.
The Pythagora rock-paper-scissors device will also be revived.
I want to shoot videos that make me feel warm when I watch them.
Replies to videos other than those delivered at 15:00 on odd-numbered days of each week will be marked with a ❤
Thank you for reading all comments.
The purpose of YouTube distribution is to watch videos with great-grandchildren in the future.
I have to live long.
Thank you.

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