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Delta Dreamer

4 subscribers

About Delta Dreamer

Hey y'all, Delta here!

On this lil ole channel of mine I like to talk about and create videos on the finer things in life, those for me in particular being memes, anime, manga/manhwa, video games and ever other little thing that this crazy brain of mine finds interesting.

If you're still reading up to this point then I'm glad to have peaked your interest! Hopefully I can continue to do so with my (Hopefully non-trash) content and (constantly shifting) personality! 😃

Oh yeah, shameless plugs to my other socials incoming (I'd appreciate it you checked em out, but you don't have to... but I'd be cool if you did tho) 👀…

Last thing tho, my content isn't suitable for kids as I plan on branching out and trying different types of "humor" (if you can even call it that) so alot of it is probably gonna be more than pg 13. Anywho, hopefully I'll be able to make ya laugh atleast once 😅

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