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This Channel is Dedicated to All Those Who are Trying To Make It. In Feb 2023 I met an awesome dude Raff Alice and Pearl Jam is his channel name. With Raff's help we started the moderndaybreakfastclub. The Club is a group of likeminded positive oriented content creators who have come together as a community. On my channel I do cover songs, this is where my passion lives. Do what you love and share it with the world. Find yourself a community and grow together. Life is too short for negativity and nonsense. You get to pick where you want to spend your time on this awesome platform. I also do dog videos since I have two awesome dogs, Billy and Rocky.

I also do a livestream on Tuesday to talk about whatever is clever from 6pm-9pm Central
I am honored to now say that I have a special members only livestream where I provide youtube tips with editing, building thumbnails and other youtube information.
Sunday Songs! Livestreams 6-8pm Central
[email protected]

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