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Golf 101

1,770 subscribers

About Golf 101

Golf Obsessed.

We are a youtube channel dedicated to delivering entertaining golf content. Our videos will cover a wide variety of topics including...
- Matches
- Golf Course Reviews
- Golf Product Reviews
- Golf Trips
- Game Improvement through self-testing
- Hilarity & Jokes (see above)

Thanks for stopping by and we hope to see you out there!

About the founders:
Jed - I play a lot of golf, and if my wife asks, you didn't hear that from me. Recently I built a simulator/pool house in my back yard and have introduced my children to this wonderful game. I can currently beat my eldest, but the gap is closing.

Clint - I'm a School Counselor by day, family man by night, and fit Golf in anywhere I can! I also love to make youtube videos and creatively share my pain as a below-average golfer, with hopes of one day shooting par.

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