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Julies' Crazy Bus Life

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About Julies' Crazy Bus Life

This is a Glimps of my Lifes Journey & how it brought me to Bus Life.
I... Am Statseed.
I'm fully embracing what Life's showing me to why I couldn't see it before.
I'd only been able to read Other peoples paths, its how I was wired. Now I see Mine. So follow me along my journey as I learn to reconnect with Who I am & Why I am.
I guide others through their life experiences. Please be fore warned that I've had quite a few & though the people who are along my path at that time may see things differently than I did, it was my experience that brought me to where I now am. It's been a full learning experience, filled with every kind of emotion one can possibly have. There may be triggers in this but I hope that if anything it will help the ones who experience it. The ones who do not agree, just understand, you will 💓Nothing good ever comes easy but sometimes things have to be difficult in order for the pieces of our life to fit. Join me as I relearn mine!

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