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About -Miku-

Hi friends! I’m Kiera, also known as Miku. 🧡 I’m a girl who loves anime and editing Gacha, welcome or welcome back to my channel! ⭐️
I hope you can support me through my editing journey and I will try to reply to as many comments as I can 🌟🍊 My channel is mostly Demon slayer or random Gacha trends but I’m hoping to make it a multi-anime Gacha channel!


Question: Do you think your videos are cringe?
Answer: Yes I do, but I hope that as I improve my videos get better!

Question: What’s your favourite anime?
Answer: It’s got to be Haikyu!

Feel free to drop in questions in any of my videos! 🍰


First GLMV- 11/4/24
Longest video- 12/2/23
Most viewed video- 4/2/22
Most viewed short- 19/10/23
First Haikyu video- 30/4/24

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