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About TheGamerGoons

Hello and Welcome!
You have stumbled onto my channel description.
Lucky you.
I'm just a normal, regular guy. I like playing games. As for now I just have my PlayStation 4 and a couple of games. So, don't ask if I'll be doing Xbox games. All of the games I play will and have been recorded from the ShareFactory inspired by the people from Sony. My games are only in 720, again, I only have the ShareFactory. Thank you for viewing my content, and getting this far. Hopefully, you like my shit and you stay a bit longer.
My channels rules
I'm the only one that can be an asshole here.

Don't be a dick. If you feel like you like the
content then please, leave a like and thumbs up.
Other than that, don't cause trouble, there won't be any.

Playstation - Shaggyiscool

The Gamer Goons is a Trademarked channel.

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