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428 subscribers

About Ooilei

A channel which tries to make good or better English translations of Thai BL related things :) A lot of international fans don't realize, but a lot of English translations out there, including the official ones, are not the most accurate or precise. My hope and goal is to provide better quality and more accurate translations for international BL fans so both Thais and non-Thais can appreciate the full beauty and depth of Thai BL

Through this journey, I've realized translating Thai to English is not an easy task and now understand why so many translations take short cuts and omit some of the content or deeper meaning. Thai is a very different language English, it can be highly poetic, with many words and phrases conveying multiple meanings, with many different nuances as well. It is my hope to create translations that can better convey these meanings and cultural nuances to international fans :)

I also have twitter account if anybody wants to follow me or discuss about BL

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