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G5 STU - Station Master

2,640 subscribers

About G5 STU - Station Master

Welcome to!

Started in 2021, Station Master was born from a need for a better logging system. Initially a personal project, it quickly gained popularity among friends. Now, it's a comprehensive platform with a mobile app, website, and integrations with QRZ, HRD, Log4OM, and N1MM.

The Reality:
Developing and maintaining Station Master is a significant commitment, both in time and cost. Despite a full-time job, I dedicate most of my spare time to this passion.

Support Us:
The best way to support is to create an account on and consider going Premium. For a small monthly fee via PayPal, or an annual payment, you can help keep Station Master growing and enjoy enhanced features.

Join us in shaping the future of logging systems!

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