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Philip Alexander Orihuela

118 subscribers

About Philip Alexander Orihuela

Can you believe this thing only allows me to use 1,000 characters? I bet that I could beat that, but letā€™s be honest. No one is gonna care to read this all. Itā€™s ridiculous to expect people to stick around to read absolutely everything you wrote. What? They have nothing better to do? I could name people who would rather watch ā€œHoward the Duckā€ than read this. I bet that out of all YouTubersā€™ descriptions, this one will be your least favorite. Why is that? Oh, thatā€™s simple. Because no thought was put into this one. Next time, it should be like ā€œYeah, hi. Iā€™m a person. Love my channel? Leave a like, comment on a video, subscribe so my channel looks more impressive, and ring the bell to get notified about my latest videos.ā€ Donā€™t get me wrong, though. There are channels I absolutely love. Azzyland and Tyrone Magnus are just two of them. I could go on and list dozens of others, but I should bring this back to how Iā€™m limited to only 1K characters. Thatā€™s way too little. I mean, what the f

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