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DFuxa Plays

1,500 subscribers

About DFuxa Plays

Greetings, I'm Davion Fuxa, a casual gamer of many genres of games. You can find most of my recordings here in my YouTube channel arranged conveniently in Playlists. I maintained a heavy focus on roguelike games for my channel but I do feature other content from other genres such as strategy, adventure, FPS, and indie.

To all who have taken the time to view and leave a comment on my videos, I thank you. While I cannot promise a reply to every message sent to me or every comment made on a video, I do read try to read everything that is written. Keep it coming!

Additionally, I do encourage developers or publishers of games to get in touch with me about showcasing their games in my videos on my channel. I enjoy doing quick videos every now and then of new games. Occasionally I may potentially put forth a Let's Play series for some of those games I receive as well.

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