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About rialobran

Hiking, canoeing and 'bushcraft' in the far south west of the UK.

Why 'rialobran'?
Rialobran is a real historic figure, although little is known of him, other than he died in battle defending his homeland around 6-700AD.

In the far west of Cornwall there is a stone called the Men Scryfa (inscribed stone) on it is written in Latin 'Rialobrani Cunovali Filii' (Rialobran son of Cunoval). Rialobran means 'Lord of the Crows' or 'Royal Raven' depending who you ask and if it's sunny that day. Either way it seemed appropriate as a channel name as on the moor I frequent by far the most common bird after the skylark is the's also more manly than calling the channel 'Skylark'. I've also got a passion for history, so an actual little known historical character seemed like a good idea...I know people have trouble pronouncing the name, but count yourselves lucky I didn't choose 'Ffrwdwr' :)

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