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Heather B. Denture DiVa

12,800 subscribers

About Heather B. Denture DiVa

Hey all!!!! My name is Heather and I've been on here for a little over 4 years now. I'm the person that likes to give facts and give you guys the truth so you can make the choices yourselves. If you guys want my opinion I'm always happy to give it. I love to do giveaways and give back to the community. I always love to help my followers and those who watch my videos/shorts. Anytime anybody asks me a question or needs help I am always happy to help and I always give out my email which is [email protected]. email me with questions or even just to vent to. I wanted my channel to be like a support group as well! Thank you for being here! 💜Much love to you all💜 please know your never alone and you always have me if you need a friend

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