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Angela Justus

915 subscribers

About Angela Justus

My name is Holli . I am an intuitive empath, clairaudient, and clairvoyant, with a passion for tarot and astrology (primarily past life re-do's) . I help people figure out their own approach to flow through life’s challenges in a way that is compassionate and stemming from good intentions. I believe you cannot go wrong with that approach.
My purpose in this life, is to assist others to reach their full potential and release their repetitive, non-productive cycles which stem from past life traumas/issues which are so painful, we habitually/unconsciously keep giving them our energy, keeping them alive and constantly present in our day to day lives. This habit results in a vicious,, immortal type of cycle until we can acknowledge the "WHY" and release them, unconditionally.
My purpose is to share my gifts with others who want to transition into a happier and peaceful place.
Please email for reading @ [email protected] type "READING in subject. I will reply very soon!

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