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A Daily Dose Of Reality

30 subscriptores
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Información sobre A Daily Dose Of Reality


A Daily Dose of Reality is honesty blog; about a young woman’s perspective on the REAL truth about marriage, loss, depression/anxiety and everything in between. I have created this channel to coexist with my blog, so that way you physically hear and see the rawness of what I have personally gone through. Everyone's journey is different, and everyone has a different way of coping with mental health. This is one of mine. Check out the videos and see that YOU ARE NOT ALONE, YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE. I am always here to listen.

Check out my blog at

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook - @adailydoseofreality2

Need to vent and have no one who will listen. Visit our venting corner where you can take the time and let us know what is going on judgement free.
Check out the link below- The Venting Corner

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