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Crypto is Freedom

15 subscribers

About Crypto is Freedom

I’m a father with a two year daughter that I love to death. I really don’t like my warehouse job but I bite my tongue because I’m a man. It is what it is. Despite that I have dreams and goals I want to accomplish for my daughter. To give her a life beyond mine. Crypto is the answer and a-lot of prayer just to double the chances of riches and blessings. My name is Juan Marcos Soto Jr I’m a proud Latino from Stockton California. I’m making Crypto videos for anyone that will listen about how to end your tough times. Believe me when I say Crypto is the answer and I study so long and late even with a 12 hour job and taking care of my daughter. Let me do the research and you listen brother thank you. I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISOR YOU SHOULD DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH ALWAYS CONFIRM WHAT YOU WATCH BEFORE YOU INVEST.

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