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Dave Naranjo

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About Dave Naranjo

This channel is dedicated to helping B2B sales people and small businesses promote their services to other businesses (B2B marketing). I will show you how to save time and money. I focus on topics such as how to most efficiently and effectively use social media to generate an endless supply of leads, how to close more deals, increase your influence and build a life (not just make more money). From time to time I also review various products, software and services that are b2b focused. There are a lot of great products out there to help you save time and can help you automate tedious tasks.

My focus is on how to use social media to improve your lifestyle. For 20 years I was pretty much stuck in an office working 10-12 hour days. My life improved dramatically when I learned how to use social media to generate a never ending pipeline of leads for any service I wanted without cold calling. I then added outsourcing to the mix and can now work from anywhere I want. I am free. Why not you?

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