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The Shadow Sovereign

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The Shadow Sovereignの説明


Creativity is the Intelligence of the SOUL!
Gaming, Artistic Creations, & occasional Car Mechanics & Bodybuilding!
A Channel with a FOCUS on my interests & passions!

Verse 33:
Knowing others, is Intelligence. Knowing yourself, is True Wisdom.
Mastering others, is Strength. Mastering yourself, is True Power. - Tao Te Ching (The Book of the Way)

The 8 Universal Hermetic Laws of the Universe

The principle of mentalism.
The principle of correspondence.
The principle of vibration.
The principle of polarity.
The principle of rhythm.
The principle of cause and effect.
The principle of gender.
The GENERATIVE PRINCIPLE. (The Principle of Care)

I am a Lost, Free-Spirited Soul finding it's way back home.

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