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Marko Yamashita Ch.

738 subscribers

About Marko Yamashita Ch.

EN VTuber
Attacked, banned and exiled for speaking truth about horrible people.

I spend my days exploring the vast world of VTubers. I support many small VTuber channels and offer my hand in friendship to every kind soul doing their best to bring happiness into the world. I do variety streams, gaming and op/ed videos.

There is no room for lies and deceit. I call out liars, cheats and expose frauds that take advantage of the VTuber community.

Live2D Model design and rigging by:

Completed games:
There is no Game
Resident Evil 4 (Remake)
Under the Sun

Currently playing:

- Honkai Starrail
- Phasmophobia
- Mahjong Soul
- PalWorld

- Final Fantasy XIV

On Hiatus:
- Genshin Impact (may need monetization for this one lol)

If you wish to support me, please consider donating at the link below:


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