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Thruknobulax II

4 subscribers

About Thruknobulax II

Hi yeah. Another channel launches with an animal clip. To be clear, I have nothing against animal videos, provided they don’t involve harm or torment (even when, to the dumb, it seems funny.) Ask yourself, would you do the same to your 2-year old?
But fret not, I think that this channel will focus not on the furry, but on the fury.
I mean for example, the fury you feel when your perfectly phrased, profanity-free, non-abusive comment is taken down because it doesn’t meet with someone’s political sensibilities. But there are many things which make me furious.
However,, despite the colourful imagery and lofty aims, when it comes right down to it… I am relatively new to YouTube and brand new to content provision.
I suppose you would call me a newb? A YouTube newb. It’s a good thing my focus isn’t KY Gel or else I’d be a YouTube Lube Newb. An if I sold it in fruity flavours, say blueberry? Then I’d be a YouTube bloob lube newb, would I not?
I will surely fuck up. My apologies in advance.

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