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Miami Real Estate

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Miami Real Estateの説明

I'm Guy Fernandes, Vice President of Alexandria Realty Group in Miami, FL. I'm a full-time real estate broker and Miami market specialist with a dedicated team of real estate professionals working beside me. We guide our clients towards their real estate dreams in Miami. It doesn't matter if you're a first-time home buyer or an experienced real estate investor, our team at Alexandria Realty Group will definitely add value to your Miami real estate journey.

Personally, I was born is Brazil and moved to Miami at the age of 6, so I am also fluent in Portuguese. Furthermore, growing up in Miami has also allowed me to be fluent in Spanish. I've sold more than $20M in real estate volume every single year since 2020. Academically, I graduated from Florida State University with degrees in Business Management and Real Estate Development.

Contact me: +1 (305)-588-9626.

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