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Wtf Fox

5,750 購読者を
0 回視聴

Wtf Foxの説明

----------------Wtf Fox----------------
Attack 99/99
Strength 99/99
Magic 99/99
Defense 99/99
Range 99/99
Prayer 99/99
Fishing 99/99
Cooking 99/99
Herblore 97/99
Dungeoneering 97/99
Summonin 80/99

I've based my channel on PK commentaries, Hybriding videos, Bank videos, and videos involving RuneScape that I just feel like making. If you don't like my videos then don't watch them, simple as that. I create videos for my own personal entertainment and for the enjoyment of my fellow fans! Otherwise you are very much so welcome to explore the rest of my channel.

Got Suggestions?
Feels free to leave me some feedback in a comment or send me a youtube message! I'm open to all suggestions so don't hesitate.

All recordings in my videos are based on an online MMORPG game called RuneScape. I do no claim to own RuneScape nor am I making videos for profitable purposes involving any concerns to Jagex LTD.

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