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FilmConvert and CineMatch

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About FilmConvert and CineMatch

FilmConvert makes powerful, easy-to-use color grading tools for all filmmakers, available for Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, and Final Cut Pro.

CineMatch helps speed up color correction and camera matching, so you can spend more time on the creative side of filmmaking. Whether you're a single or multi-cam shooter, the RAW like controls of CineMatch make completing your color correction tasks a breeze. CineMatch's guided workflow means you don't need to be a professional colorist to create great-looking video.

FilmConvert Nitrate is our film emulation and film grain suite of tools. You can now give your projects the timeless, classic look of celluloid film, all within a few clicks. FilmConvert Nitrate has 19 film stocks to choose from, including famous stocks from Kodak and Fuji, as well as 6K grain scans to add an organic texture to your films.

With FilmConvert and CineMatch, you can deliver beautiful, professional-looking projects that deserve to be shown on the big screen

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