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M Wの説明

Ambivalent Auto Outlet-, this channel will show love/ hate relationship that most car enthusiast experience them self.
We love when we succeed and complete whatever challenge or job we take on. However, we hate when stuff goes wrong, and let’s be honest in my case if it can go wrong, it always does!!!

I'm not an engineer, not even a mechanic. I'm a regular car enthusiast, that has unexplained passion for cars. Unexplained satisfaction working on them, fabricating and engineering behind it all.

"Ambivalent- When we feel both love and hate, we can consider ourselves to be emotionally ambivalent. This does not mean that we feel hate first and then love, or vice versa.
Emotional ambivalence means that these two emotions, love and hate, don’t substitute each other, but rather coexist together, without displacing one another."

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