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Nata & Eugene Travel

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Información sobre Nata & Eugene Travel


Welcome to our channel! We are Nata and Eugene, currently living and working in Paris. Our great passion is travel, and this is what this channel is all about. So far, we have lived in 6 countries and visited 60+ countries, although now we are mostly travelling locally. Luckily, there are plenty of interesting places to see in France!

We mostly make two kinds of videos. In the "main" one, we try to combine what we think is visually interesting, with some local historical and cultural information. Of course, we can only scratch the surface! Secondly, we also try to show the same places, but without much comment nor edits, which we think is a useful complement to our main video type.

So, whether you are looking for practical information or tips on the places that we are visiting, or just curious to learn more about them, please join our channel! We look forward to keeping you updated on our journey.

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