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Kerrs Opinion

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Información sobre Kerrs Opinion

I have set goals for 2017 this is the "Year Of Radical Change" for me.

Goal 1: Make at least $1,000 in passive income.

Goal 2: Go on vacation by June.

Goal 3: Be an intermediate level of Spanish.

Goal 4: Have the best physique I've ever had.

Goal 5: Gain over 1,000 YouTube subscribers.

Goal 6: Post at least one video a week on YouTube consisting of financial information, monthly goal check ups & monthly budgeting, and politics & economics.

Goal 7:Read at least 20 books with 10 of them being self development books, business & financial.

Goal 8: Complete my G1 & driving school.

Goal 9: Get a promotion at work, becoming a salary manager.

Goal 10: Get rid of my cavities and maintain outstanding oral health.

Goal 11: Give back during the December holiday season.

Goal 12: Give back during my Birthday (Yearly occurrence).

Goal 13: Be a bit more transparent.

Goal 14: Complete monthly budgeting.

Goal 15: Increase my credit score.

Goal 16: Complete the Breast Cancer Walk.

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