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Michelle’s Manifesto

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About Michelle’s Manifesto

I am a wife, mother, and grandmother. I am also a registered nurse (RN, BSN, CCM); who sold it all to travel the world. My goal is to empower my subscribers and followers to travel the world on a tight budget and live the highest quality of life possible. This can be done by eliminating unnecessary costs, downsizing overhead, and using resources that will exponentially save money. Subscribe to my channel and follow me on Instagram for more tips.
Feel free to put your questions in the chat box or DM me with any questions. Wishing you health, wealth, and longevity. Namaste

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#maximize⏳ #mindreset #fallinloveagain #findyourpeace #fountainofyouth #live #existingdoesntmeanliving #massages #sand #finances #freedom #debtfree #serotonin #dopamine #natural #vitaminsea #optimal #meditate #yoga #qualityoflife #thisisyourtime #selflove #selfcare #startover🌎✈️🏝️☀️🐚

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