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Christopher Clem

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About Christopher Clem

1. Have the US National capitol city relocated to the point where the States of Norht Dakota, Montana and South Dakota meet as the US population is moving westward!!! Have the US officially adopt the metric system.
2. There are no disabled people. So have all special education classes, vocational rehabilitation agencies abolished and the Supplemental security-disability program totally abolished, would you like to be called an insane idiot? Repeal the 2nd amendment!
3. Forbid the asking of this question of any adult by anyone in the USA "Where are your Parents?" by federal law as an invasion of privacy!!!
4. Nationalize all of the railroads and telephone companies and an oil company. Free Sirhan Sirhan, and John Hinckley Jr. now!!!
5. Have the US Armed Forces allow and let in any US-born young adult to enlist to serve in the US Armed Forces without the discriminatory physical and psychological examinations that cause so much unemployment and homelessness!!!

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