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Welcome to District 12 Tributes!

Happy Gaming! And May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!

Thank you for checking out my channel! I am a variety streamer and content creator. While my main focus and passion is with retro gaming content, I also sometimes stream and produce newer game content as well such as GTA 5 and Mario Kart 8 among others. Live streams usually occur on weekends and Ten Minute Tuesdays is a new series I just started! With possibly some other series coming too!

Mention something about The Hunger Games in one of my live-streams and I just may never shut up cuz I'm OBSESSED with that series!!!

Channel Rules: Absolutely no hate speech, racism, politics, doxxing, self-promo, spamming or ANY OTHER NEGATIVITY will be tolerated and may result in you being timed out or hidden from the channel.

Fair warning: I do curse sometimes when I start raging on a game and should be eating soap!

PlayStation I.D.: MockingjayYT
Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-1788-9329-3872


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