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About BWKing16

Hey guys and Welcome to the Official BWKing16 YT Channel. I'm a Roblox RPG Enthusiast, we have content such as RPG reviews, tutorials, gameplays, and much more. I don't post on a schedule, due to me being so stubborn about deadlines. Though I do post quite often so check back frequently!


Q: What is your real name?

A: Aidan, but I don't go by that on this channel. (Don't make me rebrand everything...)

Q: How old are you?

A: I'm 20, but will turn 21 in 2024.

Q: Where do you live?

A: In my room, where else would you think?

Q: Will you ever quit this channel?

A: No, but breaks are possible.

Q: Can I have a shout out?

A: No, but I will kick you out...

Sub Goals:

Reach 50 Subs: ✔ (4/4/2018)

Reach 100 Subs: ✔ (3/8/2019)

Reach 500 Subs: ✔ (7/13/2021)

Reach 1,000 Subs: ✔ (3/12/2022)

Reach 5,000 Subs: N/A

Reach 10,000 Subs: N/A

P.S: Anyone claiming to be me without proof is most likely a troll...

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