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Jackie Diy

9,060 subscribers

About Jackie Diy

Social media is powerful and if we allow it to influence the way we look at ourselves, we can lose our self-esteem. I want to help you build your self-esteem by finding your best version in whatever way that makes you happy through my stories.

When we start to look at others in comparison to ourselves, we may see ourselves in a negative light. We need to appreciate ourselves more and inspire others to appreciate themselves, too! We want to express ourselves with confidence and self-respect.

You are beautiful!

***DISCLAIMER: The content on this video and channel does not constitute professional advice. Please consult with relevant professionals for specific advice related to your situation. The things I share are my personal practices and habits that work for me and help build my self-esteem but always consult your doctor or skincare or health professional before trying anything that is mentioned here as what works for me may not work for you.

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