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Canine Drill_Instructor

13 subscribers

About Canine Drill_Instructor

Service Animals.
Hi, if you're here to learn about Service Animals because you're
a. Disabled and are interested in living and working with a Service Animal.
b. Not disabled, but are curious about life with a Service Animal by your side.
Welcome, pull up a seat...
If, however, you want t learn how to take your untrained pet with you everywhere, i.e. fraudulently misrepresent yourself as being disabled, or that your pet is a Service Animal. Since two criteria need to exist for a dog to be clasisfied as a Service Animal.
1. You're disabled,
2. The dog is trained in work, a task, or tasks directly related to mitigating your disablity.
If you claim that your pet is a Service Animal you are stating that you, yourself are disabled....
Hit the road, I've not got time for you.
To Be Continued.

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