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Nana's Worms & Garden

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Información sobre Nana's Worms & Garden

Welcome! I show how worm farming and gardening can bring joy in an accessible and fun way to everyone. I upload videos primarily on worm farming, my garden and worm science education. I build these videos using a combination of my experience as a former high school biology teacher, home worm farmer and research methods University instructor.

This channel was initially created to show Mica, my granddaughter, my new red wiggler worm farms and things growing in my garden. Mica could not come visit during the early days of the pandemic and this was a way that I could show her the wonderful world of worms. I was a beginner worm farmer, too, so the early videos show my learning curve. <cringe>

I also have multiple sclerosis and use a mobility scooter, so some of the videos show my fumbling MS fingers dropping things and my efforts to focus a video while balancing sideways on my scooter!

Thanks for watching, subscribing and commenting!


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