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About SynthwaveVaquera

What's it like having an IQ score lower than your ego?

Individualism is superior to all of your political beliefs, cope and seethe.

Any memes I find, I simply post here. I will never claim any rights or efforts of said memes and I have no incentive or want to disrespect the respective creators of them.

If you don't like what I post, that's literally not my problem at all whatsoever, and if you think it should be then I humbly spit in your face. I don't revolve myself around the ego and entitlement of complete strangers and I'll die on that hill.

Inspired by SuperHygh and UnusualVideos but more than self-aware enough to understand that I'll never get big, which I can vibe with. I don't want any kind of revenue from any of this because it's just a hobby and I just don't see the incentive of it.

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