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About %EVIE%

Free Palestine🇵🇸

The name's Evie, — some people call me Lorie/Lorelei,and uh my closest friends call me Sunny😻👍

I do not like Texans,infact,I HATE Texans. (Maybe let's not take that personally,eh?)
But wanna know what I don't hate? My dumbass friends.

And no, i'm not from Texas smh — i'm from Ireland. If u wanna send a message to the leprechauns, go for it,they exist.

She/her (any pronouns but I prefer she/her)

my goal rn; 6k 🤯

Even though I do not post South Park as much anymore,im still the #1 Stendy off. /hj

uhh that's all I have to say — go cows🥱‼️

wanna learn a not-so-fun-fact?...i can sleep for three days STRAIGHT,pretty impressive, riiiighttt?...right?

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