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364 subscribers

About dandymcgee

Hey, thanks for peeking at my channel. I'm an intermediate programmer majoring in Software Engineering as a freshman in college. Just looking to learn as much as I can and have as much fun as I can along the way. I have nothing extraordinary to show off, but I'm content with showing what I do have. Hopefully you can appreciate the amount of effort that goes into these projects.


P.S. - I'm 18 (not 24).

-- Update 2016-07-22 --
I *am* 24 now.. and no longer in college. I have a job as.. you guessed it: a software engineer. Unfortunately, I pretty much never update this channel. Oh well. On the rare occasion you might find me on Twitch (link below).

-- Update 2023-03-25 --
Giustino Colameo told me I should update my bio, so here it is. I'm still alive. 15 years on YouTube. That's a long time.

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