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Tlangi Baloyi

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Tlangi Baloyiの説明

Hey Queens and Kings!

This Channel is a reflection of the things I am passionate about: Making a positive impact, affordable skincare, and self upliftment. Videos are uploaded on Monday and Thursday a1 10AM CAT.

" The only standards of beauty that matter are the ones you define for yourself." T. Baloyi

We all have something in us that is extra ordinary, and that is what should define us, not the standards of society, not our past, and definitely not our mistakes. What we give to the world is what will be returned to us. Thus, be intentional in your brand, be intentional with your image, and be intentional with your inner well being.

With the beauty side, I strongly believe that skincare shouldn't be complicated, and makeup shouldn't be tricky. I've devoted my time to do research on skincare and makeup hacks that will save you money and time.

With the singing, I do acapella for a wide variety of genres. Enjoy my Sunday singing videos while at it.

Thanks for stopping by! ❤️🌺

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