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Albeon Draken

7 subscribers

About Albeon Draken

I have a biology degree and worked at a hospital for 12 years. I don't pretend to be an "expert" in any field, having not yet completed my Ph.D., but I do consider myself experienced and learned enough to give an informed and professional opinion on topics such as biology, medicine, and (to a lesser extent) chemistry. Often times, that will be the nature of my comments.

Also, yes, I am a furry. No, you *shouldn't* look me up unless you're either into that sort of thing or have some brain bleach ready. That being said, any arguments, comments, or criticisms I make should stand or fall on their own merits. I'll take any variation of "You're a furry so your opinion is automatically invalid" as an admission that you can't defeat my points and are surrendering the argument in favor of ad hominem attacks. Fair warning.

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