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315 subscribers

About AniRhythm

Nice to meet you! ♪ ♫ ♬ ✌ ♥

I'm a career music producer. I've been blessed with an award winning discography. I started learning animation to make music videos for youtube - It came natural to me, but still a ton more to learn! My channel is currently like a diary of my adventure in exploring video and a way to promote my music work, I hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoy making it.

Note - My Videos are not made for kids, I use animation as a medium to make music videos, and I do aim to make non offensive content, but this does not mean it was intended for children nor do I target a child audience, This channel is primarily a music channel, I make Dance Music for adult venues and commercial radio, occasionally I will also create proof of concept animation videos as I learn new animation techniques.. I have complied on several Holiday themed videos and have opted to label each video as I upload.

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