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Tri-Stone Network, Inc.

401 subscribers

About Tri-Stone Network, Inc.

Tri-Stone Cathedral of Faith Ministries, & Pause For Power Summit Inc; #tristonenetwork
Is a Progressive Full Gospel Pentecostal Ministry. We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible written Word of GOD, We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three person, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. We are a Spirit filled, hand clapping, foot stomping, Pentecostal Ministry.

Our vision is to build an effective Ministry that will meet the present needs of our communities with Evangelism, Education and Empowerment through Jesus Christ.
Tri-Stone Ministries, Inc is a radio, television, and social media networking ministry, headquarter in Atlanta, Ga.
Feel free to stay connected for updates and location.

Minister Othinell Jenkins, Jr. Founder / CEO / Pastor
Tri-Stone Ministries, Inc
Post Office Box 55138
Atlanta, GA 30308

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