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Mykenai Azelas

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About Mykenai Azelas

Gamer. Otaku. Acquirer of pop culture media trinkets, collectibles, gaming accessories, etc. and an all around nice guy.

Platforms I primarily play on: PS4, Switch, PC

Hugh Mungus fan of: Final Fantasy Pokémon, Gundam, The Legend of Zelda, Halo. And the list goes on.

Avid Final Fantasy XIV player, which is where my handle comes in!

Data Center - Aether
Server - Faerie
In-game name: Mykenai Azelas

Someday I hope to be:

Financially and physically successful, own a business, travel outside of the country, and within!

(Not looking to write a bucket list here but hey. 1000 free spaces is 1000 free spaces. You feel me?)

YouTube needs to bring back direct messaging.

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