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Jersey Bean

6 subscribers

About Jersey Bean

Hello and welcome to my channel.

Firstly a little background on me ! The explanation for the Channel Title - I was born, raised and live in the largest of the Channel Islands, called Jersey. No, not New Jersey (USA) but the original Jersey after which the USA New Jersey was named. It's a long story so if you are interested you may wish to look up Jersey, Channel Island on Wikipedia and you can get all the history you need! Jersey-born people are lovingly called Jersey Beans (it's a long explanation).

I'm an avid You Tube viewer. I watch a lot of true crime and particularly love Stephanie Harlowe, also Crime Weekly with co-hosts Stephanie Harlowe and Derrick Levasseur. Emma Kenny is also a firm favourite, as is Kendall Rae. I also love ICMAP - I could Murder a Podcast to the uninitiated!

Love watching videos about the Titanic, conspiracy theories, true crime, paranormal, world events (9/11, JFK assassination, MH370, Death of Princess Diana and more). Please visit again.

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