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Stephanie McKeon

222 subscribers

About Stephanie McKeon

Her encyclopedic knowledge of classic gaming and keen hand eye coordination often takes unsuspecting folks by surprised. Stephanie was only 1-bit when she got her first Pong console. Atari 2600 soon followed and that's when the assimilation began. During tough times she would scour the pavement for 25 pennies and head over to the local arcade. It wasn't until she became 8-bits that her true talents surfaced and made her a "Nintendo Wiz Kid". While Stephanie is fond of her NES, Colecovision and 2600, her all time favorite console is the Sega Genesis and favorite game is Pac-Man. Stephanie tries to keep up with modern games, but lately focuses more on indie games and iOS devices. She has a soft spot for the Atari 800 but mostly dislikes computer gaming. Rumor has it she has a vault somewhere with enough handheld tabletop games to keep Duracell in business for a very long time.

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