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big stinky gorg

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big stinky gorg の説明

another furry that has some unpopular opinions.


im gorg and i make silly videos
im not too sure on what else to include here.
my music tastes are better than yours.
i eat cds.
me big british
big big big

non binary lad
frying pan consumer
furry 🤮🤮🤮🤮
therian supporter

i like gorillaz.

⭐️1k - ✅ - 21/10/23⭐️
🌟1.1k - ✅ - 6/11/23🌟
⭐️1.2k - ✅ - 7/12/23⭐️
🌟1.3k - ✅ - 2/2/24🌟


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