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AklanonGid Official

101,000 subscribers

About AklanonGid Official

"You can give yourself some rest, but just enough to regain more power to fight back whatever trials you may encounter in life".

I Never think that I would end up doing Vlogging. I'm a kind of person that very shy to speak to a group of people or a very big crowd. You will not realize how you boost your confidence to something until you TRY. You will never know what you are capable of doing until you start something. And Here I am Now, little by little, Step by Step, as my channel Grows, I myself is growing as well! The experience, the knowledge, the enjoyment, knowing so many people in social media is Amazing Feeling!
Doing Vlogging is my kind of stress reliever, it makes my confidence stronger than before. As well as I'm also helping to promote the places as I go along.

So, Guys! This is AklanonGid Official! Please Bear with Me.

No matter How successful you are in life, whether you're famous or just a normal person, when you don't have a Peace of Mind, You're Pointless!

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