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canberra dog farts

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About canberra dog farts

A backwards, back woods whinge inerd seeking to reclaim his skills in the lost arts of Mechantile transliberation.

All hail the mighty Sonusoidal Spurving Bearing! ;)

Cheers ya cheeky bastages.
"Keep yer Cockford Dollie stick in the ice"

And Hey! Welcome to my schlopp.

[I tend toward unnecessary perfectionism. So uploads may suffer from perfectinatition or procrastionism.]

Am learning to create for the sake of adding to the pubic domain. Or was that "public disdain?" Either way, I'm gnu at this.

I consume a thousand times more Ewe toob than I produce. This is supposed to be therapy.

These are the musings and machinations of a disabled engineer and a military pensioner. Take everything you see with a groan of salt. "Take pictures, leave only footprints"

There are untold hundreds of man hours of volunteer (donated) assistance just to assemble this collection of family hand me downs. I can't thank you folks ( Ewe know who ewe are.) enough. All hail the spouses who tolerate us.

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