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Frantisek Tk aka Frank T

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About Frantisek Tk aka Frank T

Composer all genres.
Instruments: drums,guitar, keyboards, harmonica.
I sing and play only material that I have composed.
I write all my own music, across all genres.
The music I create is my own, I do not copy other artists music intentionally or unintentionally. I respect all artists and individuals.
When playing the guitar I always play with a detuned guitar. When I play keyboards I always play through a distortion pedal. If I drum with analogue drums in tandem with electronic drums I use a distortion pedal.
Music is fun for me, I will never be famous nor do I want to be as I am over 60.
When not playing solo, I play with the Howling bay Bayonetes who you can find on Youtube. I am a founding member of the band.
Frantisek was the name I was christened with in Czechoslovakia before moving to the UK.
Peace & Love to all. If you like my music thats great, if not sorry we all have different views and ideas.
Frantisek tk aka Frank T

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