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Ase Meditation & Tea House

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About Ase Meditation & Tea House

Àse is a natural energy that we tap into through our practice. At Ase Meditation & Tea House, we offer a personal touch to help you harness this energy and use it to create a meaningful and purposeful life. Unfortunately, accessing this energy is not always easy, as our society often encourages distractions and fear. We are afraid of getting sick, experiencing pain, and losing our loved ones, our jobs, and even our homes. As such, we rarely take the time to reflect on where this fear comes from. As a psychologist, I can tell you that one of our biggest fears is losing what we already have. However, there is an antidote to this fear. With understanding comes liberation. That freedom exists with self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom and the ending of fear. We unblock our energy centers and learn how to breathe and meditate. By doing so, we start the healing process. Experience Àse, where every breath counts. Check out our website for more information:

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