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About Mntdewmania

Hi, I'm Mntdewmania. A 58 (added a year!) year old Mom who just happens to love to GAME! Hope you have as much fun watching my videos as I have makin em :D March 7th 2023 at 6:43 PM marks my 10th year on Youtube. Like most Youtubers, I got into creating content because I saw some of my Favorite Youtubers making content and it looked like fun, so I decided to try it out myself. Most of the very first videos we ever make are cringy at best LOL! Of course I would have loved to have exploded with a viral video and be a huge channel (don't tell me you didn't dream of it, We all do/did!) But alas, that never happened for me. (Got wiped out in the first Adpocolypse)
But even with all that, I still make content. And I've met and made some wonderful friends along the way! So a huge thank you to all those that have hung with me all this time. I'll try and continue to make content for as long as I can. Just know that every video is dedicated to you guys. Thank you all! You Rock Dew Crew!!

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