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About Uraynuke™

henlo, it is I! Uraynuke: The Charlatan Of Hearts™! I make a VARIETY of content for your Viewing Pleasure 101 Emergency™ so that I can interact with *you*. wonderful, glorious you.

WHAT kind of content do I make, you ask...? H4H4H4H4! just stick around to find out and you'll be sure to be in for A World Of Surprise™ment! I'm a Storyteller™ at heart.

Love me.


(Now, onto more important disclaimers: When parenthesis are used, like at this moment, it is out of character. When parenthesis are not being used, Uraynuke is talking and it is in-character. It'll be important to know this so you don't get confused later. A disclaimer will be included at the beginning of every video talking about this fact, so you needn't worry.)

(Uraynuke is a character, and failure to understand this will be your own fault.)

(Conversations out of character are not tolerated, but if absolutely necessary - contact through the e-mail. Only.)
(This also goes for business transactions.)

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